Showcasing reuseable tools built across Africa.
africanCOMMONS is a platform showcasing reusable tools built across Africa and the people and organisations creating them.
Why is everyone reinventing the wheel? Massive amounts of money and time are being wasted on rebuilding solutions for digital democracies and open data. africanCOMMONS showcases carefully selected best-of-breed open source civic technologies that have already been ‘battle tested’ elsewhere, for possible re-use in countries across the continent.
africanCOMMONS is a carefully curated collection of the world’s best open source software for civic technologies, compatible with our environment, along with a tactical CivicPatterns ‘playbook’ to help digital activists save time, money, and effort. The collection is designed to help citizens, organisations, and governments re-use both code and data for their own projects, free-of-charge, in the most cost-effective way possible to ensure that the bulk of their project budgets are reserved for actual civic engagement rather than technology.